Limestone Road, Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO13 0DG


Lindhead School

Learning, Caring & Growing Together

English at Lindhead

English at Lindhead will be delivered through a progressive and sequenced scheme of work, which teachers will enhance and modify accordingly. These ensure curriculum coverage and allow teachers to accurately pitch the work they provide according to the exact needs of their class.

Our core scheme of work for English at Lindhead is called "Wordsmith", and our handwriting scheme is 'Nelson Handwriting' (details of how this meets National Curriculum requirements are at the bottom of the page). The long-term Wordsmith plan with information about text genre, writing and grammar coverage is shown above. The 'skills ladder' below shows how English skills are taught in each of our year groups. Class teachers may alter the order of coverage of text genres etc. throughout the year - information on which will always be publicised to parents via our termly 'topic notes'. This allows teachers use texts during the year to suit other topics being taught in the classroom.

English at Lindhead School - Our Current Policy

We will deliver the statutory elements of the 2014 National Curriculum. In addition we will strive to find engaging and inspiring ways to deliver the content, increasing the depth, breadth and enjoyment of learning.

 Aims and Values

Children should:

  • communicate effectively and confidently in writing and speech in a wide variety of forms appropriate for different purposes and audiences
  • be able to produce well-organised and effective writing across all curriculum areas
  • be exposed to and participate in a variety of drama activities that stimulate enthusiasm and promote effective learning
  • be motivated to read a rich and varied range of texts, both for enjoyment and to deepen their knowledge and understanding
  • develop a neat and cursive handwriting, showing quality presentation
  • use a range of ICT devices to aid their communication, reading and writing

Age-appropriate homework may be given in order to prepare for, consolidate or extend children’s learning.

Speaking, Listening and Communication

At Lindhead School, all pupils will be given the opportunity to participate in a range of presentations and performances. Speaking and listening activities will be shown in teachers’ planning and constructive criticism will be given to pupils. We wish our children to leave school with effective communication skills and increased confidence in order to be successful in their secondary education and beyond.

Children should be able to:

  • speak clearly and fluently with increasing confidence
  • listen attentively and respond to others, expressing their opinions and justifying their views
  • question, consider and evaluate the views of others
  • develop a wide and interesting vocabulary
  • participate in discussions, performances, role play, improvisations and debates
  • apply their knowledge of spoken standard English appropriately in a range of contexts

 Writing Policy

At Lindhead School, teachers will model the writing process and provide resources to enable pupils to organise and improve their writing. Children will be taught the features of a range of genres. They will learn how to improve their writing through planning, re-drafting and proof reading. Effective marking and feedback will also direct this process.


Children should be able to:

  • communicate and organise ideas in a variety of written forms
  • write fluently and with interesting detail
  • write for different purposes and engage with an audience
  • develop a legible cursive script
  • know and use the main rules and conventions of written English
  • plan, edit and revise their writing
  • understand that writing is an essential tool for thinking and learning
  • develop a positive attitude towards writing
  • maintain the same standards of writing in cross-curricular work


Purpose and Organisation

The purpose and organisation of different genres will be developed as follows:

  • children will be encouraged to mark-make and write independently on entry to the Foundation class
  • children will read and discuss the features of different genres
  • teachers will model the writing process
  • teachers and children will work together on written tasks
  • teachers will provide scaffolded activities to develop good writing
  • checklists will be used to enable each child to edit and improve their writing
  • teachers will mark effectively to move pupils on



Writing will be marked in accordance with the school Marking Policy.

Reading Policy

At Lindhead school, as well as learning to read, we hope that our pupils will develop a love of reading that will continue to give them enjoyment throughout their life. We view reading as a tool to deepen their knowledge of the world and to give them an understanding of human nature.


  • to establish a love of reading, both for pleasure and to gain knowledge and understanding of the world.
  • To develop excellent phonic knowledge and skills.
  • Pupils will be encouraged to read a rich and varied range of texts.

 Children should be able to:

  • use a range of strategies to read with fluency, accuracy, understanding  and enjoyment across a wide range of contexts
  • identify and comment on the structure and organisation of texts
  • develop the higher order skills of deduction, inference and interpretation
  • use the organisational features of a variety of non-fiction texts to retrieve information
  • interpret the writers’ purposes and viewpoint