Curriculum 2024-2025: Curriculum Plans
More information about improvements to the curriculum for 2024-25 will follow on this page through the autumn term.
Following our 'Good' Ofsted inspection in July 2022, we are continuing the process of developing our curriculum, refining the sequencing and progression planning of subjects.
For example, for the academic year 2022-2023, we introduced new schemes of work and curriculum progressions for History, Geography and Computing, as well as improving the sequencing of our existing Art curriculum. These, along with existing schemes of work for other subjects, will be embedded over the course of the current School Improvement Plan. In 2023-24, we also introduced a new PSHE scheme and consolidated the use of new resources in other subjects, such as Computing and French.
Please see our 'Curriculum Policy' below for more information about how our curriculum is put together.
For each year group in school, there is a 'Long Term Plan' which outlines the main details of curriculum coverage in each subject, splitting it into the 3 terms. These documents outline our current curriculum by year group and by subject, as per statutory requirements. Please see links and example below.
Please also see the other pages in the 'Lindhead's Curriculum' menu for details of English, Maths, curriculum subject progressions, Early Years, our 'Beethos' and 'The Lindhead Way'.