Limestone Road, Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO13 0DG


Lindhead School

Learning, Caring & Growing Together


At Lindhead, we use a variety of internet based electronic/digital resources which can be accessed from home. Please click the pictures to go to the relevant site and go to the "Home Learning & Kidszone" menu for each year group page.

Espresso Coding - An important part of our Computing Curriculum

Bug Club Reading and Wordsmith English are all available through the children's ActiveLearn logins. They are an important part of our English curriculum.

Discovery Education from Espresso is a suite of digital curriculum resources which are frequently used in school and can also be accessed from home. It is brilliant for maths and English activities as well as topic research, information and news.

We are constantly developing our use of Google Classroom as a tool for class work, homework and remote education.

Learn to add and subtract with Numbots!

Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice which we use at Lindhead.

We use Class Dojo to celebrate achievement and effort, keep in touch with parents and carers,  and to share 'remote learning' activities and resources.